May 23, 2008

IPL extends web and mobile video deals

The Indian Premier League has reached an agreement to stream matches live on the internet and to mobile phones in regions including India, Pakistan and the Middle East in a deal with Dubai-based company netlinkblue thought to be worth almost $50m (£25m) over 10 years.

Netlinkblue is looking to target cricket fans around the world with content from the Twenty20 competition including live streaming and a 72-hour online catch-up service.

The deal excludes markets such as the US, UK, South Africa and New Zealand due to existing deals with broadcasters. In the UK Setanta has a five year pay-TV deal with the IPL that also covers online video rights.

Netlinkblue, a provider of consulting, technology and IT solutions, is aiming to cash in on the huge popularity for IPL matches in markets such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Other key targets include the United Arab Emirates as well as the massive expat Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi cricket-loving populations spread across the globe.

"Cricketing action is a big draw for television viewers and with the emergence of new media technologies we can take the experience to the viewer's office, home and mobile devices," said Akash Aurora, chief executive of netlinkblue.

Netlinkblue has developed a three-tier payment system for online TV viewing.

A day pass costs $2.72 (£1.37), a league pass for the duration of each IPL tournament is valued at $40.57 and an annual pass priced at $51.46.

Netlinkblue originally intended to launch the internet streaming service on its own website

However, it has now linked up with Live Current Media, which paid $50m for a 10-year deal last month to develop the official IPL website offering all internet TV coverage through one portal.

Live Current Media offers clips of highlights and access to archive content after netlinkblue's 72-hour catch-up TV window.

Geoffrey Hampson, the LCM chief executive, said that the website has recorded more than 30m page views in the first month of launch from a "truly global audience".

The majority of the content within the official IPL website remains free to access.

As part of LCM's deal with the IPL it is forming a Getty Images-style picture and video syndication service for other media outlets to purchase content.

Lalit Modi, the chairman and commissioner of the IPL, said that the alliance between LCM and netlinkblue to centralise digital media rights would provide "fans globally with a direct window to the on-field action".

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